A trio of freshness is here to bloom up your house and its overall ambience with a pinch of goodluck, dash of air purification and sprinkle of aesthetics. Grab this Single Layer Bamboo, Sansevieria snake, and Haworthia plants trio for gifting purposes or to decorate your home in the most alluring fashion. Each plant comes in a metal Mini Orchid vase respectively.#Single Layer Bamboo has the ability to transform your life by introducing positivity.
#Sensveria snake plant removes toxins from surroundings by absorbing them
#Haworthia plants are very slow growing and are often very small.
Key Points
Indoor Avoid Direct Sunlight
Height 6 Inches approx
Watering Two to three times a week
Scientific Name Bambusoideae
Scientific Name Dracaena trifasciata
Scientific Name Haworthia
Care & Tips
- For Single Layer Bamboo: Clean the growing container often
- Give it plenty of light
- Filter your water
- For Sensveria snake: Keep in bright but indirect light
- Do not water it more than once in every 10 days
- No need for fertilisers
- For Haworthia: Keep in bright indirect to direct light
- Water every 2-3 weeks
- This plant can tolerate dry air so average home humidity is fine for growth
- The image is indicative in nature. As plants are natural products, shape and size may be of varying scale.
- for flowering plants, the flower can be fully bloomed, semi bloomed or in bud stage.
- it can be delivered the same day as order placement.