This exquisite Two-Layer Lucky Bamboo Plant is elegantly nestled in a stylish crystal glass pot, designed to bring prosperity and serenity into your space. The pot itself is a masterpiece, adorned with meticulously etched swirly, adding a magical glow to any room. Perfect for enhancing the aesthetic of your home or office, this lucky bamboo offers a unique blend of natural beauty and artful craftsmanship. Its two-layered structure symbolizes balance and harmony, making it an ideal gift for loved ones or a charming addition to your personal collection. Elevate your surroundings with this symbol of luck and elegance.
Key Points
Indoor Avoid Direct Sunlight
Height 6 Inches approx
Watering Two to three times a week
Scientific Name Bambusoideae
Care & Tips
- Place plant in a location where it receives bright, filtered light, but avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
- Keep the plant's roots submerged in water at all times.
- Maintain a consistent room temperature between 65-90°F (18-32°C) and moderate humidity levels.