The healthy green leaves and the elegant allure of this Ficus Bonsai are a sight to behold. So, upgrade your house with this plant adorned with lush foliage and a white abstract ceramic pot. Or let your loved ones receive a refreshing gift from you through a thriving plant like this Ficus Bonsai.
Key Points
Indoor & Outdoor Avoid Direct Sunlight
Height 9 Inches
Watering Two to three times a week
Scientific Name Ficus
Care & Tips
- Ficus Bonsai is a popular indoor plant and has over 100 varieties.
- Place your Ficus Bonsai in an area where indirect sunlight shines on its leaves, such as near a window.
- Mist it regularly to keep the soil in the pot moist, but at the same time, don't let the plant sit in a pool of water. -Use a general Bonsai soil mix to repot the plant every two to three years.