Classic elegance and symbolism blend seamlessly in this exquisite gift set. A Lucky Bamboo Plant, known for its prosperity-bringing qualities, graces a square glass pot, radiating simplicity and grace. The vibrant Lord Ganesha Idol adds a spiritual touch, symbolizing wisdom and blessings. As the vibrant greenery thrives within its glass enclosure, it signifies growth and fortune, making it an enduring symbol of abundance. To enhance the experience, a can of Almond Rocks adds a delightful touch of indulgence. This ensemble weaves together nature, art, and tradition to create a captivating narrative, making it an enchanting and auspicious gift for any occasion.
Key Points
Indoor Avoid Direct Sunlight
Height 5 inches approx
Watering Two to three times a week
Scientific Name Bambusoideae
Care & Tips
- Lucky bamboo Isn't a true bamboo; it belongs to the Dracaena family. In Asian cultures, it's considered an auspicious plant that brings good fortune and positive energy. Filtered Light: Thrives in indirect, filtered light. Avoid direct sun, which can scorch the leaves.
- Water Quality: Use distilled or tap water that's been left out for 24 hours to allow chlorine to dissipate.
- Change Water: Replace the water in its container every 2
- 4 weeks to prevent stagnation and maintain plant health.