Divine Whispers

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Product Contains

  • 4 White Asiatic Lilies
  • 3 White Gerberas
  • 3 White Roses
  • 3 white Carnation


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7 Million Smiles
Begin your enchanting journey with this luxurious flower bouquet, featuring 4 White Asiatic Lilies, 3 White Roses, 3 White Gerberas, and 3 White Carnations, each symbolizing purity, innocence, and everlasting love. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in white Non Woven Paper, adding a touch of sophistication and purity to this magical arrangement. To accentuate the enchanting beauty of this bouquet, delicate white Gypso fillers have been added, evoking a sense of grace and charm. This captivating arrangement is perfect for any occasion, be it a magical wedding or an intimate anniversary celebration.
  • Start by removing the bouquet wrapper.
  • Cut the stems by one or two inches from the bottom to ensure better water intake.
  • Choose a vase and fill it with water.
  • Remove the leaves below the water level to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Add two tablespoon of Lemon Juice and sugar into the water.
  • Make sure to place the vase in indirect sunlight.


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