Bonsai gardening is not a cakewalk, but it can be more tiring and nerve-wrenching if you don’t know the expert bonsai gardening tips. Fret not, we are here to save you as we bring you the seven best tips from our bonsai guide for beginners and dedicated gardeners.
Pick The Right Location
The tip that you need in this bonsai guide for beginners is to pick the right location for your bonsai. Different types of bonsai plants grow better in different locations of the homes. If your bonsai is outdoors, then make sure to provide it with at least six hours of direct sun exposure. Indoor bonsai can do equally well with direct and indirect sunlight. So, pick the spot of your home accordingly.
Right Soil Mixture
We don’t pay attention to our environment and that's why we don't think much about the importance of soil mixture. Your area may grow some plants well and may not grow some. It is because of the type of soil. So, the second tip for your bonsai gardening is to pick to have the right type of soil mixture before you pot your bonsai plant.
Picking The Right Pot
Only expert gardeners understand that the type of pot plays an important role in the well-being of a bonsai tree. Follow the thumb rule: if the tree height is more than its width, the length of the container should be at least two-thirds of the tree’s height. And if the width is more than the height then the container should be of length more than the width.
Watering The Bonsai
Every living thing on our planet requires water to survive, and so does your bonsai. But you can’t water bonsai the way you water your tummy. Insert your finger one to two-inch deep in the soil and if it feels dry, it's time to water. Do not let the soil mix dry completely. Do not overwater bonsai trees as it can cause root rot.
Does our body require more than water to survive well enough? Yes, and so does the bonsai tree! It means that you need to feed fertilizer to your bonsai. Every bonsai guide for beginners mentions fertilizing because it is that much important. Bonsai trees in the growing stage require more fertilizer and mature bonsai trees require less feed of fertilizers. If your bonsai looks dehydrated, infected, or diseases, fertilizing should be avoided. The right type of fertilizer depends on the type of bonsai such as banyan tree bonsai requires a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer.
Repotting Bonsai
Repotting bonsai trees is something not many consider important. But if you are deep in gardening then you should adore this expert gardening tip. Repotting is important and you should report the bonsai when you can see the roots popping out of the surface of the soil or if the roots clustered around the root ball.
Pruning & Shaping
Bonsai trees are loved for their eternal beauty, and you can only maintain that by timely pruning your bonsai. Keep eyes on the dead and brown leaves and take them out. Shaping your bonsai is also important, and it starts as soon as your bonsai starts growing. Keep it in shape after pruning.
Look for the plant shops near you so that you can get things easily. You can also try online plants nurseries to get home delivery of plants of planters.