A question that pops inside the head and hearts of many one-sided lovers out there!
Even after thousands of movies being made on love and romance, and millions of blogs and articles talking about the perfect answer to ‘’how to confess to your crush’’, there is no perfect answer to that and there never will be.
Now you might be wondering if there is no perfect way of confessing love, then what’s the point. Well, the very first thing is to understand that love is something that no one can define and so a way of confessing love depends from love to love or person to person. You might have seen the background music being played and the sky turning pink in romantic scenes. It may happen with some and may not with some. Some just feel happy inside being attracted towards the person, and that’s it.
When someone asks, ‘’how do I confess to my crush’’, the best advice is to speak your heart truly with no drama and no filmy acts. The power of love is that it can be conveyed without even expressing feelings. And there are so many such examples of couples in the world.
Not being so logical here (because love knows no logic), let's try to go through some ways that can help you confess love to your crush.
Words Do More When They Are Rhymed
There is a writer in every person, and love is the best tool to craft that writer inside you. Your love and your feelings can make a way straight to the heart of your crush if you can bind them in rhyming to create a poem or lovely story. Start by telling how your crush makes you happy, and by the end, confess that you want him/her to be your better half. Being poetic doesn’t mean the use of perfect words and great vocabulary, it's all about being true to the feelings.
Don't Plan. Go Face To Face. Speak Out.
Some things are better when they are unplanned! And love is something where your plans don’t really work out, always. There are lots of indirect ways to confess to your crush, but getting face to face and speaking your heart out have more chances of positive revert. You know what you feel when and how your heart reacts when you see your crush, and that’s what you need to speak out. Find a moment when you can have your crush’s most attention and let the love flow from your soul to your crush’s soul.
Different Ways Of ‘How To Confess To Your Crush Via Text’
There were love letters in the good old days, and the replacement for them today is quick and easy. Confessing your love to your crush via text lets you express more without being shy and saves you from awkwardness.
- If you have no interaction with your crush, but you guys know each other, then it is better to start by having regular conversations or just a coffee date. So, you can use texts like, ‘’Hey, can we hang out for a coffee sometime?” or “Hey, can we have a little conversation here?”
- If you guys interact from time to time, then you can pick, “I like you. Let's hang out sometime!”, or “I just wanted to tell you that I have a crush on you.”
- How to confess to your crush over text without getting rejected is such a query, and the answer to it is confessing when you know it’s the right time. Have conversations over the phone or any other messaging platform on a routine basis and keep doing healthy flirting. If all your flirting and messages are taken positively then you can confess with a simple text such as, ‘’"No pressure, but if you're free this weekend I'd love to go on a date with you."
Say It With Flowers
The kissing of flowers has been used as a reference to lovemaking in Bollywood movies, and there are references to flowers in songs too. What does that mean? Flowers are the magical tokens that have the answer to how to confess to your crush. And you the flower name! Rose, it is! Pick a bouquet of roses, get down on your knees, offer the flower to your crush. When you have flowers, you don’t have to say anything to confess your love. And that’s why you can even use flowers to confess when there is a long distance between you and your crush. Mark a perfect date and plan your gesture through flower delivery in Chandigarh or where your crush resides.
Let’s Know How To Confess To Your Crush Using Math
Is your crush a studyholic? Well, people guess that making study-lovers fall in love is hard, and it seems so because they don’t want to compromise the time. But love is a feeling, and it can bloom without even exchanging words for weeks. You can confess your love to your crush using math. You might hate mathematics as a subject, but you will love it after it helps you in expressing your feelings. 128√e980 is the equation you can ask your crush to solve. Erase the upper half of the equation, and it will read ‘I LOVE YOU’.