The mood is influenced by the surrounding environment. Experts suggest that everyone is organized in your work environment to be productive. The same rule applies to the home. You will not be happy if the rooms are not clean and the items are randomly placed. The first and foremost thing is to keep the rooms clean. Plants purify the air for us. Decorating the living room with indoor plants makes us feel more comfortable and relaxed. Plants not only provide us with good health but also makes your home look good. Their unique look enhance the beauty of any household. There are a plethora of options available online where you can find several plants to make your home look good. Here we are providing a list of indoor plants ideas for living room to give your home a completely different look
Areca Palm Plant
Areca palm aka Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is one of the most widely used palms for bright interiors. It has feathery, arches, each with up to 100 leaflets. A large solo plant looks good next to sofas, tables, empty corners. They can also be doubled as one on either side next to large sofas, chairs, beds, etc. Decorate your living room with indoor plants and let you and your living space breathe fresh and clean air.
Golden Pothos
Golden pothos or money plants are very easy to grow. You can wrap them on the roof with the help of ladder railings or rods. You can also place them on a metal pot on the wall, to give your wall a decorative look.
Snake Plant
This plant is most famous for home decoration. This plant creates a room with high ceilings because of its long leaves. Placing it in an attractive clay or metal pot can add an artistic touch to your living room. If you have an extra stretch, you can also fix this plant on top of a layer of soil with some pebbles and stones so that it can be seen from the outside!
Peace lily
Now comes elegant flowers to give any room a clean and smooth finish! One of the best plants for the living room to give it a completely different look is Peace Lily. Apart from the living room, it can be placed on a decorative console, which will enhance the look while clearing the air.
Syngonium Plant
Also called the arrowhead plant, it is a very common household decoration plant due to its attractive shapes and different colors. When it is young its leaves are heart-shaped and when it matures the leaves become arrow-shaped. When left on its own, its vines can grow up to six feet long and they look very cute when they spawn on the sides of a hanging basket. You can place them anywhere to show their big beautiful leaves and shape. It is also advised to keep it according to Feng Shui.
Chinese Evergreen
It is quite popular as ornamental plants and is often used in offices and public places. Chinese evergreen also grows well with room lighting. Small plants can be placed on the tabletop and larger ones on the floor along the walls.
This plant will definitely bring that captivating aesthetic to any dull corner of your home. These orchids have unusual slipper-shaped flowers that grow from between two leaves. It has dark green leaves that enhance the beauty of the plant.
So, these were some of the best indoor plant ideas for living room decoration for your home decor. In case you are looking for them online consider FlowerAura.