10 Creative Birthday Surprise Ideas For Boyfriend

You like giving your friends and family members surprise birthday parties. However, what you hate is being called a person who plans the same surprise every year. Yes, it can be tough to keep your birthday surprise ideas fresh and creative, year after year—Amp up the birthday celebrations for your boyfriend with these creative surprise ideas.

10 Creative Birthday Surprise Ideas For Boyfriend

1. Delivery of Gifts To WorkPlace

It may happen that your boyfriend’s birthday may land on a working day, and he may not be able to take an off. While he is engrossed in keeping up with the deadlines, make his day nice and pleasant with the delivery of gifts. Send in a box of pizza, cupcakes along with a birthday gift for boyfriend. Ask someone from the office to deck his space with balloons and buntings. Every hour, send him a cute and loving birthday message.

Delivery of Gifts To WorkPlace

2. Wish Happy Birthday on a Blog or Ad Space

The perfect birthday surprise is one that is least suspected by the recipient. Wishing your boyfriend “Happy Birthday” through a blog or ad space is ideal as he will not be suspicious of it. You can buy ad space or signup with a website he regularly reads for publishing a birthday message for him. If you are into blogging, you can dedicate a blog post to him.

Wish Happy Birthday on a Blog or Ad Space

3. Fly In For His Birthday

Dealing with a long-distance relationship? His birthday is the best excuse to spend some quality time with him. Fly to his country or city for a day to celebrate with him. Spend the day together, do all the things you both love, and make beautiful memories to cherish after you have flown back and it’s the same old LDR situation.

Fly In For His Birthday

4. Enroute Unchartered Territory

Our world is a beautiful place with many uncharted territories that evoke the feelings, “I want to visit this sometime,” or “I wish I was born here,” or something like that. Birthday surprise gives you the flexibility to explore any area, ranging from a newly opened restaurant to an exotic country waiting to be explored.

Enroute Unchartered Territory

5. Hire a personal Chef

Birthday surprise idea for boyfriend calls for tantalizing his taste buds. Hire a personal chef for a day to cook mouth-watering meals, starting from starters to the main course to dessert, complete with creative plating—the easiest way to enjoy a romantic dinner within your comforts and tasting gourmet food.

Hire a personal Chef

6. Yarn Gift

Place a gift somewhere in the house. Tie one end of the ball yarn to it and stroll around the house till the point where birthday festivities are going to take place. When you get to the other end of the string, tape it to a small box with a hand-written note reading “follow the string for birthday surprise.”

Yarn Gift

7. Scavenger Hunt

Write down and paste hints as many as you would like your boyfriend to follow. The last clue can lead to him on a rooftop where you have planned a dinner party for him or a gift that he has been waiting for long to buy.

Scavenger Hunt

8. Midnight Surprise

When it’s about birthday celebrations, how can we not mention midnight surprise. Not the regular one, but the creative one as we promised. Encourage him to do fun activities at midnight. Go to a nearby bar before it closes up and have a birthday dance, nature walk with ice-cream in hand, unwrapping birthday gift, and staying up to witness the first moonrise.

Midnight Surprise

9. Feast Day

Put together a table boasting all his favourites sweet treats, drinks, healthy eatables, an assortment of guilty pleasures, along with other dishes that he likes to feast on. It would result in a happy stomach and happy heart.

Feast Day

10. Exquisite Wheels

Go for dinner. Enjoy the long drive. Stop by a friend's house. Eat ice cream on the road. Even the ordinary of activity feels extraordinary when you are driving on exquisite wheels.

Exquisite Wheels

All these creative birthday surprise ideas for boyfriend will help you pull the most incredible birthday surprise party he has ever experienced.

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