Is lavender farming even worth your consideration? Browse through this article to find out more about the importance and benefits of lavender, lavender farming essentials, and the different types of lavender plants that can be farmed.
With the recent outburst of aromatherapy and preference for natural cosmetics, the demand for lavender is rapid. Whether it is lavender-infused oils or lavender-scented aroma diffusers, there certainly is a shift in the industries to go all-natural. And, for good reasons! Lavender is known to aid and assist users in achieving a holistic organic lifestyle that is free of toxins and questionable chemicals.
Lavenders are also edible and normally used in salads, soups, baking, as well as numerous other culinary uses. Many herbalists have also attributed the effectiveness of lavenders in providing relief for headaches and colds.
The practice of infusing natural components in our daily used items is, in fact, ancient. But, with the rapid commercialisation of society, there is still no guarantee of quality in store-bought products. This leads to many people growing their own produce in a small but functional organic patch of greenery in their own land which is not cultivated by chemicals. So, this poses an important question in the green-thumbed individuals’ minds - why not grow your own lavender?
Is lavender farming for you?
Lavender is an excellent component that facilitates a healthy lifestyle with its sweet aroma and medical properties. Thus, you may find the usage of lavender quite prevalent in medications, perfumes, cosmetics, etc. Use your green fingers to this advantage and grow your own lavender plant!
This herb originates from the Mediterranean region and as a result, thrives in rocky, harsh and sunny climates. Sunlight, being an essential component of lavender cultivation must never be compromised - plant your cultivation spot accordingly.
Being a herbaceous plant, lavender is not very hard to grow, provided that the environmental conditions are favourable. However, if you are still in a dilemma about this type of farming, rest assured, there are several types of lavender plants that you can farm on your property easily!
Types of lavenders worth cultivating
1. English lavender:
Possibly the most common type of lavender available in all markets; this plant grows in clusters. They are available in the shades of violet, blue and pink.
2. French lavender:
Minimal maintenance requirements with a drought tolerating quality makes this type of lavender plant very easy to farm.
3. Egyptian lavender:
These are available in a pale purple shade only and are noted to have long slender stems. However, these perennial herbs release an intense aroma that can be off-putting to some.
4. Hidcote lavender (English):
With a fresh sweet tantalising aroma and small stemmed body, this type of lavender is best classified as a dwarf plant.
5. Munstead lavender (English):
The bluest of all lavenders, this plant can be cultivated in a variety of soils, as long as there is some sun exposure. Like the Hidcote lavender, Munstead is also notable for its sweet aroma.
6. Fathead lavender (French):
Their saccharine aroma and deep violet coloured florets have a clear and distinguished pattern of light violet spikes. This creates an even contrast that attracts pollinating insects, mainly butterflies.
7. Thumbelina leigh lavender (English):
As the name suggests, this variation produces the tiniest blooms with the most intense fragrance.
8. Rosea lavender (English):
Capable of tolerating high heat and drought, this plant variation produces aromatic blooms that are soft pink in shade. The name of the plant has been derived from the wine rosé due to its colours.
A few things to note about lavender cultivation
- The main determinant of whether lavenders will grow well to produce attractive blooms once matured, is the variant you plant.
- Even though these plants are resistant to heat, they grow extremely well in soils with exceptional drainage as well as spots where they get full access to the sun.
- Lavenders are also notorious for their high resistance to long periods of drought once they become settled. However, they can be susceptible to dry periods immediately after you plant them, and that is why you should water them regularly as well as apply some compost to enhance the amount of moisture they are exposed to.
- Lavenders react badly to damp weather and easily shrivel when exposed to it, especially when their roots become wet during winters or humid conditions during summers. If you live in an area where humidity is an issue, then make sure you leave ample space between each plant with full access to sunlight. If the soil in your yard is susceptible to freezing during winter then it should be mulched after the ground becomes frozen. It will also be a great idea to cultivate all types of lavender plants away from the direction of the wind, which can become a problem during winter.
Shop for your plants online to ensure you have access to premium quality saplings which will make your garden bountiful!