Sisters-in-law are the relation made in heaven and you must be feeling blessed to have one who is always standing by your side. You two shop together like best friends, take advice and respect each other’s hearties sentiments, so much so, that you take favor of your bhabhi only every time your bhaiya-bhabhi have a fight. Being in the same house may make things easier for both of you but if one has moved away or got married, then keeping up in relation with the same zest becomes a little difficult. Here are a few tips on how you can maintain love in the hearts and strengthen the bond between you two like adorable sisters.
1. Cook Together, Please
Every time you two visit each other, try and cook a meal together. You will be surprised how much you can share and how emotional things could get in that little span of time. We bet the cuisine will turn out delicious because of all the love you two will be putting in it.
2. Keep Her Secrets
There must be a lot of things that your bhabhi must have confided in you whenever she felt lonely or vulnerable, especially when she was newly married. Just keep those secrets to yourself. Do not open it to anyone under any condition. This little trick will make you two come closer more than you though. You will be her best friend forever in no time.
3. Treat Her Special On Rakhi
Prepare a rakhi thali especially for her and present with a beautiful Lumba rakhi for bhabhi. In gift, get her a personalised gift with a picture of you two together and see her smiling with love and pride the whole day. This Rakhi, let this festivity bring you two closer to each other. If you wish to go mile extra, go shopping together on a special day.
4. Don’t Talk Bad About Her Brother
Her brother may be your husband but a sister could be understanding of her brother’s disparage only up to a limit. She had grown together with him and she may not be sharing the same views as you about a person. This may drift you two apart so it will be better if any issue between a husband and wife should stay between them only.
5. Call Her Often
If you two can’t meet each other frequently, then stay connected to each other over the phone calls. One call asking about the well being and whereabouts could convey a lot about how much you care for her. That’s all a person needs to know to love you even more than today.
6. Complaint To Each Other Only
Instead of running to others for each other’s complaints, run towards each other. The conversation always helps in making a bond stronger and even when things are not going your way with her, try to communicate with her. She will be glad that you came to her first instead of going to someone else.